Career Exploration and Events

Find Your Trade

Visit the SkilledTrades BC website to find out more information about the trades in BC.  There's over 100 different certified trades in BC.  Start exploring to find the trade that best suits you!

WorkBC Career Trek

WorkBC has over 170 videos to help you explore various jobs in BC.  From Account Manager to Well Site Supervisor you can learn about jobs in BC.  Let CareerTrek BC help you find your next career.

Major Events


Skills Canada Regional Competition

Skills CanadaEvery year the Peace Region Regional Skills Committee hosts the annual BC Skills Competition at Northern Lights college in Dawson Creek.

This competition brings apprentices, high school students and elementary students from the region together to compete in a variety of trades and technology events. Everything from spaghetti bridge to post-secondary electrical competitions.

The Regional Competition allows students from grade 6 to grade 12 to showcase their talents in the skilled trades and technologies. Students in secondary grades compete in a variety of skills competitions, with those in the lower grades competing in a series of Junior Skills Competitions specially designed for their skill levels.

Winners in each competition area are awarded gold, silver or bronze medals, with the majority of those gold medal winners qualifying to compete in the annual Provincial Competition


Women in Industry Symposium

Women in IndustryA Trade & Technology Conference for Girls (Women) is held in conjunction with the Peace Regional Skills Competition at Northern Lights College Dawson Creek campus.

  • The event aims to bring together female students grades 9-12 from various high schools in the Peace River Region (Dawson Creek, Chetwynd, Tumbler, Fort St. John and Fort Nelson), paired with a panel of women who are employed/entrepreneurs in diverse range of sectors.
  • Participants will also explore Trades and Technologies first hand while networking with women who have found success in trades and technology careers/business.  Panelist will provide a brief summary of their training/career path and events that have resulting in their achieving success.

The participants will take part in interactive and informative activities that will help them in making future career path decisions.


Youth Innovation Day (8 students)

Youth Innovation DaySchool District 59 participates in the Youth Innovation Day by taking eight (8) students in grades 10-12 to Vancouver for the spring event.

The BC Tech Summit hosts Youth Innovation Day in Vancouver each spring. The day is for students to explore the wide range of education, training and career opportunities in the BC tech sector. The Youth Innovation Day aims to inspire high school students to pursue careers in technology. The day features BC researchers demonstrating their latest technology, inspiring speakers sharing about how technology is changing the world, and, representatives from post-secondary institutions and BC tech companies. 


RCMP Youth Program / Military Program

RCMPThis program is offered to students interested in a career in policing or law enforcement. Students are provided with a "boot camp" style experience during a week of their Spring Break. Approximately 32 students from Northern BC stay at a Prince George secondary school 24 hours a day for the week. RCMP officers provide training opportunities on a wide range of topics from major crimes to victim services. Successful students must be very physically fit. All students will be given a fitness test prior to their acceptance into this program. Entry into this program will be through an application /interview process.


Peace Region Adventures in Health Care

Adventures in Health CareAdventures in Health Care is a three-day program offered in collaboration with the local Rotary Clubs, Northern Lights College, Northern Health, University of Northern British Columbia, and School Districts 59 and 60.  Students from across the region engage in interactive, hands-on experiences over the three day event. In addition to the hands-on activities, students also tour healthcare facilities and local college/university campuses where students engage with healthcare professionals, educators, and current/past students allowing students to come away with a clearer understanding about what it means to be a "healthcare worker".



Peace Energy Week - (past program)

Peace Energy WeekThe Peace region of North East BC has an abundance of ongoing energy projects both completed and proposed.  These range from wind, solar, oil and gas, and hydroelectric.  Students in SD59 and from throughout BC are invited to participate in the Northern Opportunities​ Tour.  Students will experience what the jobs in the energy sector look like in North East BC and will also have the opportunity to obtain course credits and a workforce training ticket in H2S Alive.  The program consists of 4 days of learning about education and career opportunities in the energy sectors of the Peace region.  The experience is for students in grade 11 to tour local facilities and connect with industry and training mentors.


SD 59 Heavy Equipment Experience - (past program)

Heavy EquipmentSD 59, in partnership with WorkSafeBC and numerous contractors in the Chetwynd area, is proud to offer the SD59 Heavy Equipment Experience. The program provides opportunities for students to explore the wide variety of rewarding career choices as heavy equipment operators in the logging, construction, and mining industries. Students learn the importance of safety training and receive mentoring from experienced equipment operators as they learn to operate several different types of heavy equipment. The project is intended for students who have a keen interest in the logging, construction, or mining industries and the operation of heavy equipment.



For information about any of these exciting Career Exploration Events, please click here and visit your school Career Coordinator.

© School District 59.   All rights reserved.


Posted Route Status
7 hours ago Dawson Creek On Schedule
7 hours ago Chetwynd On Schedule

