We are very fortunate to have a Music Program and a Music Specialist at EFR. Carmen Kurjata will be our new music teacher this year. Originally from Dawson Creek, she comes with lots of training, enthusiasm and many years of experience teaching Elementary Music at schools in Edmonton, and Nelson. Since returning to the Peace Country, she has been finding ways to musically connect, create, and spread joy in SD59 schools, and around the community. The “About Me” tab on her website joyfuljams.com highlights some of the work she has done. Fun fact: Ms. Kurjata and Mr. McKeen learned how to teach music from the same (awesome!) professor in Edmonton. She is excited and grateful to be stepping into a well-oiled program and is looking forward to getting to know the students and staff at EFR. In the music room, students will be singing, moving, listening, playing instruments, reading music, and writing music. Studies have shown how important music is for brain development. The ability students gain in reading music and playing an instrument, provides for a well-rounded learner and we are fortunate to have all students involved in music at EFR. By Spring, she hopes to have students ready to showcase some of what they have been up to in music class this year. She loves hearing from parents, so don’t be shy. Stop by the music room to say hello or contact her at ckurjata@sd59.bc.ca.