New policy - No cell phones/electronic devices at school

Students will not be permitted use of their personal cell phones/electronic devices from the time they arrive on school grounds to the time they depart school property .

Students who have a cell phone with them will be required to turn off the phone, and leave in a secure classroom holder until dismissal. Parents/guardians will be responsible for informing the classroom teacher if their child will have a phone/device so that they may turn it in daily.

If parents/guardians need to reach their children during the day, please call the school at 250-782-5206 or text 250-219-5206. The school will not be responsible for lost, missing or damaged cell phones/electronic devices.

Use of cell phones/electronic devices at school will result in device removal to the office for the remainder of the day. Depending on the circumstance, further follow-up and/or consequences may be required related to the use. Continued infractions may result in escalating consequences and/or a plan to prevent further misuse will be implemented at the discretion of school administration.

Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

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The StrongStart programs are running as scheduled.