Devereaux Communicable Disease Procedures

Devereaux Communicable Disease Procedures

2023 – 2024  

(updated Sept. 1st, 2023)


Universal Precautions

  • All students, staff and visitors should complete a daily health check, checking for symptoms of COVID-19 prior to entering the school, and stay home when sick.
  • All students, staff and visitors should respect others’ personal space, avoid physical contact, keep their “hands to yourself”, spread out when possible, and limit crowding.
  • All students, staff, and visitors should avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth, cough, and sneeze into their elbow or a kleenex, and wash hands (or hand sanitize) frequently.
  • Hand hygiene should occur when entering and exiting the school or a different learning space in the school, before and after eating, after using the washroom, after handling common resources/equipment, after coughing or sneezing and whenever hands are visibly dirty.



Students and staff should bring their own personal labeled water bottle. A water bottle filling station is available for students (in foyer by gym) and for staff (in staffroom). Students and staff should hand sanitize before using the water dispenser.



  • Students, staff, hot lunch volunteers and visitors must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before handling food.
  • Students, staff, and visitors should eat at their own space, wash hands and surfaces before and after eating, and not share food.
  • If a student does not have enough snack or lunch and is hungry, staff may give healthy snacks stored in our school kitchen.
  • Staff will not use microwaves to heat up student food.
  • Occasionally, students will be given celebratory treats or prepare food to share with their class or the school.



Only 2 students are allowed in each washroom at a time. Students will wait on floor spot in foyer if there are already two students in the washroom. The accessible washroom can be used for bathroom emergencies. Students must wash their hands after using the washroom.


Sick/First Aid Room

  • The Sick Room will be used to isolate any students who becomes sick during the day until parents pick them up. Masks will be available for those experiencing respiratory symptoms and the staff supervising them if they would like to wear one.
  • Staff will wash hands and wear gloves when helping injured students, and when in contact with blood or other bodily fluids.
  • Students, staff, and visitors should cover any cuts or open sores with a bandage.



The decision to wear a mask or face covering is a personal choice for students, staff, and visitors. A person’s choice is to be supported and respected. Masks will be available at the front desk for anyone who would like to wear one if they have forgotten theirs or if they become ill while at school.



Our external doors will remain locked for student safety. The front door will be unlocked during Secretary’s office hours (Tuesday to Friday from 8:35 – 2:05). At other times, please ring the doorbell and a staff member will open it. If parents must pick up their child during the school day, please ensure staff are informed. Visitors should sign in at the reception desk. A copy of this document will be made available to any visitors at the reception desk. The back door can be unlocked at recess and lunch so students can access the washroom. We are happy to welcome volunteers back into our school and for school trips and events.


School Gatherings and Events

All school gatherings and events can return to 100% capacity. Proof of vaccination will not be required.


Cleaning / Sanitizing

Regular cleaning and sanitizing will occur each day after school.


Positive and inclusive approaches will be used when reminding students to follow these procedures.

Thank you everyone for your cooperation!

Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

More Details


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21 minutes ago Dawson Creek #18: Doe River (Secondary) Cancelled



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