Growth Plan Reflection 2023-2024
Goal #1 – Mental Health Literacy/Social Emotional Learning
Goal: Students will increase their mental health well-being by developing a growth mindset, resiliency, self-regulation, and citizenship skills while exploring personal passions and interests that will create their overall sense of self and belonging within their community.
Rationale: Students who demonstrate increased mental health literacy skills tend to exhibit stronger feelings of sense of self, higher resiliency skills, more perseverance, increased empathy towards others, greater risk-taking and problem-solving skills, display a growth mindset, the ability to build healthier relationships, and an ability to identify feelings and use expressive language. All of these traits contribute to developing school citizens that are able to contribute positively within the school community and a willingness to become life-long learners.
Strategies/Action Plan/Resources:
- Positive Discipline
- Mind Up Strategies
- STEM and STEAM activities through the Library
- Gotchas
- Increase number of school spirit events (e.g. Pie Day, Pumpkin Musical Chairs)
- Aboriginal Day
- Student recognition in assemblies
- Sports teams
- Restorative practice approach to student discipline
- Coach-Mentor
- Student Leadership
- Encourage parent involvement: Meet the Teacher, Christmas Concert, Newsletters and social media communication
- Free breakfast and subsidized hot lunch
- Clubs
- Second Step, Kids in the Know
- Multiple Intelligences focusing on a variety of ways to be smart
- Regular communication with parents about student learning (report cards, conferences, emails, phone calls and visits)
- Regular opportunities to celebrate and showcase student learning (daily announcements, weekly newsletter, bulletin boards)
- School-wide fun days and activities to support our sense of community
- Buddy class activities
Evidence of Success:
- Core Competencies self-assessment 3x/year at the end of each term
- Suspension data – compare number of suspensions at different times of year
- Attendance – look at attendance for Category H students and others with behavioral challenges
- Number of students participating in school athletics/Leadership
- Student Learning Survey
- Collect numbers on parent attendance at Meet the Teacher and Early Dismissal days
GOAL #2: Numeracy
Goal: Students will increase competence and confidence in numeracy skills including estimating, visualizing, patterning, and skip counting.
Rationale: Students who meet or exceed grade level expectations in numeracy develop basic numeracy skills required for the world outside of school and for post-secondary education and prepares them for life-long learning.
Strategies/Action Plan/Resources:
- Trevor Calkins Power of Ten resources
- Math confidence self-assessment
- SNAP practice - teaching of numeracy skills
- Resources: manipulatives, Math IXL, Kahoot, Math Interactive Workbook, Prodigy
- Marion Small strategies
Evidence of Success:
- Implementation of SNAP twice per year (Fall and Summer)
- SNAP Assessment (beginning and end of year)
- Self-assessment of student confidence in numeracy
- FSA data (Grade 4 and 7)
GOAL #3: Literacy
Goal: Students will demonstrate an increased competence in literacy by becoming more proficient in their writing skills. In addition, Devereaux strives to increase the number of students reading at grade level.
Rationale: Students that are able to demonstrate an increased competence in reading and writing become more effective, proficient communicators within the school and in the community. Developing the skills to effectively communicate will enable students to explore opportunities, discover new learning, and pursue life-long learning experiences beyond school.
Strategies/Action Plan/Resources:
- Primary program Professional Learning Community
- Intermediate Professional Learning Community
- Word Sorts
- Word Ladders
- Literacy stations
- Adrienne Gear
- Identification of needs through classroom profiles with the Coach-Mentor/teacher
- Guided reading/reading groups
- Big kid ‘buddy reading coaches’
- Phono groups with an EA
- Collaborative units with the Teacher-Librarian
- Learning Assistance Teacher
- District Learning Resource Teacher
- Fluency instruction
- Birthday books
- Encourage home reading
Evidence of Success:
- Fountas & Pinnell data
- Phonological awareness data
- Alphabet data
- FSA data (Grade 4 and 7)