Parent Student Handbook 2023-2024

Important Things to Know about Devereaux:


Start of the school day

Supervision will begin at 7:50 am each school morning. Upon arrival, students will be expected to go directly to the playground where there will be teacher supervision. At 8:13 the first bell will ring and students will line up to meet their teacher who will welcome them into the school through their designated door and the second bell will ring at 8:18 to indicate the start of daily instruction.


PARENTS, in the best interests of your children’s safety, PLEASE DO NOT DROP YOUR CHILDREN OFF BEFORE 7:50 AM. Please drop them off close to the playground north of the school.


If students arrive late (after the 8:18 am bell) they should enter through the front doors. Please sign in at the front desk so that you are marked as late and not absent.


Check in for Safety

If you know that your child is going to be absent or late, please notify the school. If there are changes to the pickup of your child, please inform the school so we know who will be picking up your child.



If holidays, appointments, or illness require that students be absent during the school year, please notify the teacher or the office.  It will be the student’s responsibility to complete assignments given during absences.  Please ensure that students are on time for classes as interruptions do affect the entire class.  If your child arrives late, they should report directly to their classroom. If your child is going to leave school early, please notify the teacher.


School Schedule

 7:50   Outside Supervision begins

 8:13   First Bell

 8:18 Class time

10:00   Recess

10:15   Class time

11:30   Lunch

12:00   Class time

 1:58   Dismissal


Office Hours

The secretary, will be in the office Tuesday to Friday from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. The best way to reach a teacher or the principal is by email, texting or by calling the school after 1:58 pm. If we are away from the phone, please leave a message. Messages will be checked before the end of each day, and we will return your call as soon as possible. 


Bus Board

If there are any changes to your child’s regular bussing routine, we ask that you provide a note to the teacher outlining any changes or contact the office directly by phone.  If there is no answer at the school, please leave a message. Please notify the school of any changes by 12:00 noon, and ALSO inform the bus garage (782-2106) of those changes so we all have the same information at the same time.


Telephone Use

We discourage student use of our school phone because we feel it is important that the line be left clear for school business or incoming messages of an important nature.  Students will not be allowed to use the school phone to arrange playdates or ask parents to bring forgotten items to school for them.  


Shoes / Boots

Please ensure your child has non-marking indoor running shoes and outdoor shoes appropriate for the weather. If younger students can’t tie their own shoes, please supply them with shoes with Velcro. Students will participate in daily physical education and must be prepared to either stay inside or go outside for physical education. Students should also have appropriate outdoor boots for cold and wet weather throughout the school year. For safety reasons, students are required to take off their boots upon entering the school and carry them to their boot rack in order to keep school hallways dry.



The student fees for the 2024-2025 school year is $35.00 and should be paid at the beginning of September. Please submit any payments to the office. All the school supplies will be distributed to students as needed throughout the school year.


Teachers may send home a list of some supplementary materials that could be required, such as a USB drive, headphones, gym strip, pencil box, Kleenex, backpack/lunch kit, etc.


Consent Forms

Consent forms for field trips must be completed, signed, and returned to your child’s teacher the day before the trip.


Newsletter / School Website

Our digital school newsletter will be updated every Friday. Please check out our school website at to find the newsletter as well as information about Devereaux and upcoming events.


Student Cell Phones

Students will not be permitted to use cell phones or other personal devices at school without explicit permission from their teacher and for specific learning purposes. Students may not text, make calls, take pictures or videos, or play games or apps in class or during breaks. Students should leave their devices in their backpacks or give them to their teacher to hold onto for the school day.


Toys and Money at School

To avoid unnecessary arguing, losses, and tears, we ask your cooperation in having children keep toys and money at home, unless it is specifically requested by the teacher for a special occasion.


Birthday Invitations

In order to promote an inclusive learning environment and positive social experiences, and to avoid hurt feelings, we encourage parents to give out birthday party invitations outside of school.


Lost and Found

If your child is missing any items, please have them check the LOST AND FOUND which is located in the school foyer. Any unclaimed items will be donated after the last day of the school each year.


Parent Involvement

Please call the office at 250-843-7300 to make an appointment if you would like to meet with your child’s teacher or the principal. If you would like to volunteer for school events and field trips, please pick up volunteer and PIC forms to complete at the office. Please consider joining our Parent Advisory Council. PAC meeting dates will be posted on our website.


Safety Procedures

• At the beginning of each new school year and when a new student registers, the pictures of the children with anaphylactic needs are posted for the staff and individual needs and protocols are discussed.

• The school endeavors to make the school environment safe for children with specific needs.

• The Public Health Nurse is accessed if training of staff is needed to address specific needs.

• The First Aid attendant at school is on call and parents will be contacted if a student is ill or injured.

• Student medicine is kept in a safe place in the office and administered, as directed by physician, by the first aid attendant. Please ask the secretary for the forms to fill out should your child require medicine at school.

• Crisis management and emergency response phone numbers, including the school’s address, are placed by each phone in the school.

Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

More Details


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16 minutes ago Dawson Creek On Schedule
16 minutes ago Chetwynd On Schedule
24 minutes ago Chetwynd On Schedule
24 minutes ago Dawson Creek On Schedule
38 minutes ago Dawson Creek #18: Doe River (Secondary) Cancelled



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