About Us

Chetwynd Secondary School belongs to School District 59, Peace River South, and is semester school providing a variety of educational opportunities to students in grades 8 to 12 to engage and enhance their educational journey. The view we have of our school, CSS, is that we are a Caring community of Socially responsible individuals Striving for success. Our student population consists of approximately 270 students across the grades. Chetwynd Secondary school serves the northern, resource-based community of Chetwynd, the surrounding rural area, and two nearby Aboriginal communities. The school provides a varied program (including academic, fine arts, industrial education, technology, and dual credit courses) to meet the diverse needs of its learners.

As part of SD59 students attending Chetwynd Secondary have an opportunity to plan for and enroll in Dual Credit courses offered in conjunction with Northern Lights College. These courses include post-secondary academic and trades-based courses. This partnership has provided students to opportunity to extend their learning and achieve their dreams in a timelier manner. Numerous grads of CSS and the Dual Credit program have graduated from high school and having attained their certification to gain employment in their field of interest.

The staff consists of Educators, Educational assistants, Custodial, Maintenance, and Administration which work collaboratively to ensure the best possible educational experience of all students. CSS offers many opportunities for students to participate in activities within the educational day and beyond. Extracurriculars vary from year to year based on interest, typically they include Sporting activities, Clubs, Leadership opportunities, and Service to the local community and beyond.

Catchment Area
Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

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