Course Selection (Grade 12)

Welcome to Grade 12!

You are now entering the final stage of your graduation program and the decisions you make with course selections will help shape and define your choices after graduation.  This is an exciting year in your education and if you meet the requirements for graduation you will cross the stage in June 2021. Please take a few moments to review the following information and documents before starting your course selection.


Planning your future

Please take a few moments to review the documents below to learn about what courses you need.  Grade 12 students need to complete the following courses for their graduation program

  • English 12
  • Career Life Connections/Capstone 12

A few things to keep in mind.  If you were unsuccessful in any grade 10 or 11 graduation requirements you will need to retake those courses.  In addition if you had your math 11 class in second semester this year you will have not completed your Numeracy Assessment which is required for graduation.  We will schedule you to take that assessment in November 2020, January 2021, or April 2021.  You will also be required to complete a Literacy 12 Assessment and if you are in French Immersion the French Assessment.


Grad Requirements - English

Grad Requirements - French Immersion

South Peace Campus Course Information


Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a document of questions we regularly get through the course selection process.  Please take some time to review the document.

Course Selection Information


Post Secondary Options

What are your plans after graduation?  Even if you have no idea what you want to do it is important to keep your options open.  In Grade 12 at the South Peace Campus you will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of courses.  Below is a link to help with the world of life after graduation.

Post Secondary Institution Map


Course Selection

It is now time to complete your course selection.  Please email:

A counsellor or administrator will be in contact with you to complete your selections. 



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Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

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Dawson Creek, BC V1G 3Z3
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