Dawson Creek Secondary (South Peace Campus)

Dear DCSS South Peace Parents/Guardians,

On February 26th-27th, DCSS South Peace is hosting Parent/Guardian - Teacher Conferences. On both days, students will have an early dismissal @ 2:10 pm.

Please remember, these meeting are for new classes which began Feb. 03, 2025.

Here are the conference hours:

Wednesday, Feb. 26th: 2:30 – 5:00pm

Thursday, Feb. 27th: 3:30 - 5:00pm & 5:45 - 7:00pm

In order to connect with as many parents/guardians as possible, each meeting will be no longer than 15 minutes. If additional time is needed, please connect with a teacher to arrange additional time on another day.

Here’s what to do to book your appointment using Microsoft Bookings:

1. Parents/guardians are required to provide a name, email, phone number & STUDENT NAME when they sign up for the appointment

2. Appointments will automatically be sent to the teacher’s district email/personal calendar (Microsoft Outlook)

3. Parents/guardians will receive a confirmation email

4. Here’s the link to the appointment generator for parent/guardians:


If there are any issues with the above link, we will also post it on our DCSS South Peace website:


Please be advised that you can still book appointments in the office by phone. However, we are trying to streamline our booking system, and we invite you to use our new booking system.

If you encounter any technical difficulties, please call the school to make an appointment by phone: 250-782-5585.

Yours in education,

DCSS South Peace Admin

Safer Schools Together is offering a 60 minute workshop that covers all things digital, from how to be a good digital citizen, the criminal consequences of cyberbullying, and how to report and receive support in cases of sexting/sextortion.

The workshop is recommended for Parents/Caregivers/Grandparents and youth aged 10 and up as a way to facilitate the conversation of safe and caring use of technology at home and in the community.

Families will learn:

  • Digital media habits, oversharing, and digital addiction
  • The permanence of online posts/activity
  • The significance of your digital tattoo in how others perceive you (e.g., sports teams, college admissions, and potential employers)
  • The importance of caring for peers both online and offline
  • Geo-locational settings and the dangers of social media and cell phone misuse
  • The social and legal consequences of cyberbullying behaviour as well as possession and distribution of intimate images (sexting and sextortion)
  • An anonymous student reporting tool that can help you and your friends stay safe both online and offline

Register online at Safer School Together for one of the following workshop dates:

  • February 4 or 26
  • March 12
  • April 8
  • May 7

These sessions were designed to support families and caregivers in navigating the digital world.

Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

More Details


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Telephone Numbers
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10808 - 15th Street
Dawson Creek, BC V1G 3Z3
© School District 59.   All rights reserved.
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8 hours ago Dawson Creek #7: East Pouce Cancelled



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