About Us


Respect, Perseverance, Integrity, Communication and Growth are the five core values at Central Campus.  The Central Campus TEAM consists of 21 teachers, 13 support staff, 3 administrators and 414 grade 8 and 9 students. We are a community that works together, is supportive, cares about students, builds relationships, and shares leadership. We are teaching teams working together as a learning community.
Together we are striving to create a place where:

    1. our staff  are collaborating and building relationships while using best practices and actively learning with a growth mindset;
    2. our grade 8 and 9 students are safe, connected and engaged in their learning while being cared for, supported, and successful;
    3. our parents are regularly informed about their child's progress while being included, welcomed, and connected.

Central Campus our mission is to build community, relationships and connections – leading to successful learning, supports and opportunities.

We follow the BC Curriculum, delivering material in a manner designed to spark imagination, build capacity and self-esteem and foster independence. In addition to our core subject full year courses – Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Physical Education/Health – we offer Option courses for grade 9 and 6 week Exposures for grade 8. Some of these include: French, Career and Money Smarts, Skills for Success, Foods, Music, Metal/Wood Shop, Engineering/Robotics, Theatre, Sports Performance, Media and Coding, Entrepreneurship, Photography, Adventure, Outdoor Education, Art and Leadership.

We are engaged with athletic and other events within the community and have an active PAC (Parent Advisory Council). We maintain regular communication with parents through e-mail, phone, Google Classroom, our website and monthly newsletters.

Central Campus is a great place to be, with the Coyote Rock Cafe, Welcome Room, three gyms, a large library, 4 computer labs, 3 science labs and a recycling program. Our Coyote Rock Cafe offers snacks and lunch items as well as ping pong, floor chess and foosball tables. The Welcome Room offers a hot lunch selection daily as well as a calm space.  We have a large main gym, an auxiliary gym and a mini-gym with work out equipment, as well as offering basketball, volleyball, and other extra-curricular teams. Our computer labs are used both for media classes and by teachers to enhance their program.

At Central Campus, we support Aboriginal learning through the grade/grad coaching program.  Currently our Coach/Mentor is Julie Hamilton and our Aboriginal Support Worker is Debbie Klemmer.

Our Counsellor on staff is Nicole Stefanyk.  She supports students, who may be experiencing emotional difficulties – loss, anxiety, conflict, time management, etc...


We are located in the centre of Dawson Creek, BC across from the public library and Kin Park. Dawson Creek is a thriving northern community with a population of 12,978. There are many opportunities for outdoor sports and recreation year-round, as well as local clubs and groups for special interests.

Catchment Area
Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

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