
September has been a whirlwind of activity here at Central Campus!

Students have gotten used to their schedules and gotten down to learning.

The cafeteria is up and running and so are our intramurals at lunch time.  Grade 8's and 9's are playing off to win points for their colour teams.

Our Terry Fox run was last Monday and our students were able to run the circuit set up for them by leadership students when the smokey skies cleared in the afternoon.

We are at the last week of September.  Here is what is happening this week at DCSS:

  • Truth and Reconciliation Week - this week students will be watching a video, attending a guest speaker, Stan Fraser from the Nawican and wearing their Orange Shirts for the 29th as we do a community walk in recognition of Truth and Reconciliation week.
  • Students will be electing representatives in homeroom this week.
  • Wednesday, September 27th is Photo Day.
  • Sports - our volleyball teams were away playing in Grande Prairie this weekend.

    Volleyball practices for grade 9 girls are Monday and Wednesdays from 3-4:30pm

    Grade 8 girls practice on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:30

    Boys team practices on Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30-6pm

  • Intramural sports play is ongoing   At the moment the Green Gators are in the lead but that could change quickly...
  • Our Cafeteria is open for business - new this year we have Caesar salad and vegetable plates for $3.00 each available every day.   Our regular fare is:

              Monday:    corn dog $2, pizza on a bun $3, pierogies $3

              Tuesday:   hot dog $2,  chicken caesar wrap $4, hamburger $3

              Wednesday:  pizza $3, 2 pieces $5

              Thursday:  Taco in a bag  $3,  corn dog $2, 

              Friday:  hot dog $2,   fries  $3    poutine $4

          Cafeteria punch cards are available through the office (250) 784-7676.

  • Students are welcome to bring their own lunch or they may leave the campus during lunch to purchase food elsewhere.  They have 40 minutes between the end of their 2nd block and the beginning of the 3rd block.  We expect them to be able to return in time to be in their classes by the second bell.  If they are late on a regular basis, thereby missing instruction, we will be in touch with parents.

Central Campus Open House 

On October 19th Central Campus will be holding an Open House.  All parents and their students are welcome.  It will be from 6:30 - 7:30.  There will be a short assembly in the main gym followed by an opportunity to visit your students' classrooms and see what they have been learning.  We will also be distributing Parent handbooks and information on the New Reporting Process.  Please plan to attend.

Coming up:

October 2    Truth and Reconciliation Day stat   - no school

October 9    Thanksgiving  holiday

October 19   Open House 6:30 - 7:30

October 20   Non-Instructional Day - no school for students.

June is flying by!

Coming up on April 21st is our Indigenous Day:

DCSS-Central Celebrations

JUNE 21, 2023

District Zoom Presentation: 9:15-10:15

Activities and Competition:        

  • Pole Pushing
  • Cree Bingo
  • Art Collage
  • Lacrosse
  • Snowshoe relay
  • Finger weaving
  • Musk Ox Push/Stick Games

GRAND PRIZE to winning class!!!!!!!

Door Prizes:

  • Beautiful Ribbon Skirt                
  • Handmade Leather Wallet
  • Blue Tooth Speaker
  • Noise Cancelling headphones
  • Please note:  students must be present to claim prizes

Free BBQ Lunch courtesy of: Brown’s Social House

So much is planned for this day to Celebrate!!!

June 20th  Student voice members will be traveling to Chetwynd.

June 22nd

At 9 a.m. the following Day 1 C block grade 9 classes will be going with their teachers to South Peace for their Grade 9 orientation: 

  • Ms. Barton's Grade 9 socials,
  • Ms. Johnston's Grade 9 foods,
  • Mr. Lofvendahl's Grade 9 science and
  • Mr. Mackinlay's Grade 9 socials.  

The orientation will take 45 minutes and they will return in time for their second block class.

The remaining classes will go on June 26th with their teachers.

June 27th     SOGI field trip to Swan Lake

June 28th    Foods Cook off and Fun Day activities p.m.

June 29th     Last Day for students

                     Awards assembly a.m.

Please send back all textbooks and library books!






January has been a busy month here at Central Campus.

Our 4 basketball teams have been competing and building their skills.  They played in their first tournament at Bethel/Mountain Christian School with the A team winning a second in the senior division and the B team winning a second in the junior division.  They played with mixed results in Fort St. John and have games this weekend at South Peace.  They have morning and afternoon (Tuesday/Thursday) practices to hone their teamwork and individual skills.

Teachers and students are working to finish up the first semester and term two classes.

This Monday, January 30th, students will fill out their timetables for next semester.  We encourage them to take a picture of their timetable on their phones, so they have it with them as well as on paper.  Semester 1/ term 2 courses finish on Thursday, February 2nd.  English, math and PE are all full year courses.  Science, socials, health and careers are semester courses and all other courses are options.

Semester 2/ term 3 courses begin on Monday, February 6th.

This coming Friday, February 3rd will be a Non-Instructional Day (no school for students). 

Don't forget:  Homework club runs daily - Monday - Friday 3:00 - 4:00 to help students catch up, stay on top of their course work or get extra help. 

Our school trip to the arena for skating and hockey game was very successful and fun!  Thanks parents with your help and support filling out forms, bringing in skates, helmets, equipment, etc.! 
In February and March, the PE and Outdoor Ed classes will be offering a ski trip to Bear Mountain for each grade.  Information will be coming home soon.

Try-a-trade and the Skills Canada competition will be taking place on March 3rd for all grade 8's at NLC.  We will be sending more information.

September 30, 2022


Thank you parents/guardians for supporting your student throughout their challenge of getting back to school and settling down into their fall routines!  

Central has been a busy place this September! 

On September 23rd, the Terry Fox Run took place during D block through Kin Park.  Ms. Groff's leadership students organized it and raised over $685 for the Terry Fox campaign.  Well done!

During this past week, September 26th - 29th, we have been doing activities for Truth and Reconciliation.  There were homeroom activities on Tuesday, an assembly with a guest speaker from the Nawican on Wednesday morning and our Orange Shirt Day on Thursday including a Community walk during the final block of the day.  Thanks to Ms. Hamilton and other leadership students for their hard work in organizing this.

Parking  -  Please do not park where the bus circulation is, near the Resource Area. 

Parent Volunteers – Thanks to all the parents who responded to the call for volunteers for either PAC, sports activities or the Food programme that we are setting up.  If you want to volunteer – we have a volunteer package and you need a current Criminal Records check.  All of the documents you need can be e-mailed or can be picked up from our office.  We invite parents to come in and help out!

PAC meeting -  Central’s Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meeting will be this Tuesday, October 3rd at 7 p.m. in the mezzanine (upstairs in the library) here at Central.All parents are welcome!  We are looking for new PAC members this year.  It is an exciting opportunity to meet other parents and help support students and be informed of school happenings.

Thanksgiving Lunch – this Friday, October 7th, in honour of Thanksgiving, the Foods room and our leadership students will be working together with other volunteers in the school to help organize a Thanksgiving lunch for the entire school.  If you want to volunteer, please let us know.

Open House  - Central’s Open House will be held from 5:00 to 7:00 on Tuesday, October 13th.  Come and meet the staff and see what students have been doing through the first term.  We would love to see you here!

Hallowe'en -  Students are welcome to dress up and we will have some activities.  Please observe the following guidelines for costumes:

  • No violence or profanity on costumes
  • Costumes must cover the body
  • If there is a mask, it must not be worn when students are in the hallways (safety)
  • Costumes must allow the student to engage in normal activities for class work, gym, etc.
  • No weapons (real or pretend) may be brought with or be attached to the costumes

Please make sure that your phone and email information is updated at the office.

There are three bottle filling stations in the school and students are welcome to bring water bottles and fill them up.

Google Classroom/ Peacenet

Teachers are no longer using Freshgrade.  Many teachers are using Google classroom to put up activities, homework, etc.  If you are looking for work for your student, due to illness, check the Google classroom, which can be accessed through Peacenet.  If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact your student's teacher.

Here are some of the items coming up in the next few weeks:

October 3rd     Picture Day – The photographer will be here in the morning and students will be called down alphabetically from classes.  Retakes will be November 3.

October 4th      PAC meeting at Central in the mezzanine at 7 p.m.

October 7th     Our Thanksgiving lunch – we will be having turkey soup together as a school to celebrate a successful school beginning.  Parents are welcome to volunteer to help!

October 10th   Thanksgiving – no school.

October 13th   Fire Drill 9:40. 

                        Open House  5 - 7

October 21      Interim Reports

October 24-25th  Non-Instructional Days - No school

October 31       Hallowe'en

Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

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No data is available at this time. This may mean that school buses are not running today, or current information is not yet available.