Our Concession, the Coyote Rock Cafe, is open daily at lunch. All kinds of hot food ~ burgers, taco salads, chicken wraps, etc., are offered for sale on a regular rotation. We also sell hot meals in our Welcome Room. Located outside our Office is our vending machine, which students can access during breaks and lunch times. We sell all kinds of snacks and drinks. Revenue raised helps to pay for student activities and events throughout the school year.
New in the cafeteria this year we have caesar salad and vegetable plates for $3.00 each available every day. Our regular fare is:
Monday: Corn dog $2, pizza on a bun $3, perogies $3
Tuesday: Hot dog $2, chicken caesar wrap $4, hamburger $3
Wednesday: Pizza $3, 2 pieces $5
Thursday: Taco in a bag $3, corn dog $2
Friday: Hot dogs $2, fries $3, poutine $4
Cafeteria punch cards are available through the office (250)784-7676.