September Newsletter

September has been a whirlwind of activity here at Central Campus!

Students have gotten used to their schedules and gotten down to learning.

The cafeteria is up and running and so are our intramurals at lunch time.  Grade 8's and 9's are playing off to win points for their colour teams.

Our Terry Fox run was last Monday and our students were able to run the circuit set up for them by leadership students when the smokey skies cleared in the afternoon.

We are at the last week of September.  Here is what is happening this week at DCSS:

  • Truth and Reconciliation Week - this week students will be watching a video, attending a guest speaker, Stan Fraser from the Nawican and wearing their Orange Shirts for the 29th as we do a community walk in recognition of Truth and Reconciliation week.
  • Students will be electing representatives in homeroom this week.
  • Wednesday, September 27th is Photo Day.
  • Sports - our volleyball teams were away playing in Grande Prairie this weekend.

    Volleyball practices for grade 9 girls are Monday and Wednesdays from 3-4:30pm

    Grade 8 girls practice on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:30

    Boys team practices on Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30-6pm

  • Intramural sports play is ongoing   At the moment the Green Gators are in the lead but that could change quickly...
  • Our Cafeteria is open for business - new this year we have Caesar salad and vegetable plates for $3.00 each available every day.   Our regular fare is:

              Monday:    corn dog $2, pizza on a bun $3, pierogies $3

              Tuesday:   hot dog $2,  chicken caesar wrap $4, hamburger $3

              Wednesday:  pizza $3, 2 pieces $5

              Thursday:  Taco in a bag  $3,  corn dog $2, 

              Friday:  hot dog $2,   fries  $3    poutine $4

          Cafeteria punch cards are available through the office (250) 784-7676.

  • Students are welcome to bring their own lunch or they may leave the campus during lunch to purchase food elsewhere.  They have 40 minutes between the end of their 2nd block and the beginning of the 3rd block.  We expect them to be able to return in time to be in their classes by the second bell.  If they are late on a regular basis, thereby missing instruction, we will be in touch with parents.

Central Campus Open House 

On October 19th Central Campus will be holding an Open House.  All parents and their students are welcome.  It will be from 6:30 - 7:30.  There will be a short assembly in the main gym followed by an opportunity to visit your students' classrooms and see what they have been learning.  We will also be distributing Parent handbooks and information on the New Reporting Process.  Please plan to attend.

Coming up:

October 2    Truth and Reconciliation Day stat   - no school

October 9    Thanksgiving  holiday

October 19   Open House 6:30 - 7:30

October 20   Non-Instructional Day - no school for students.

Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

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