District PAC

DPAC meets once a month with representatives from each Parent Advisory Council in our District, a representative from the Board of Trustees and District Principal. All PACs should vote in a Representative who will attend the once a month meetings and bring information back to your PAC.

The purposes of the Council will be:

  • To be the collective voice of parents in the school district.
  • To advise the School Board on any matter relating to education in the District, including the District’s Accountability Contract.
  • To communicate with parents and parent advisory councils on educational matters.
  • To promote the interests of public education and, in particular, the interests of SD 59  .
  • To provide parent education and professional development, and a forum for discussion of educational issues.
  • To assist parents in forming a parent advisory council in every school.
  • To assist members in obtaining information and communicating with District personnel.
  • To communicate with other organizations in the community and province on educational matters of common interest.

Section I – Membership in a DPAC 

  1. All parent advisory councils in School District No. 59 are voting members of the Council.
  2. A member will be represented on the Council by the person elected annually by their PAC for that purpose. That member will have one vote on behalf of their PAC.
  3. There will be no other voting members of the Council.

DPAC Meeting Schedule

All meetings are dinner meetings; dinner is at 6:00pm at the School District building. Meetings will follow at 6:30 pm and finish at 8:00 pm. Tumbler Ridge and Chetwynd PACs will have the opportunity to join via a conference link starting at 6:30 pm each meeting or if they are able to attend in person in Dawson Creek, DPAC will pay mileage costs. 

All Parent Advisory Councils may send one or two PAC members to represent their PAC. The rep(s) will be elected at the yearly election meeting of each PAC. Each PAC has one vote at the DPAC meetings. The DPAC reps (and/or) PAC Chairs will be notified of each meeting by email. If you have an item you would like discussed at the meeting, please send an email to the DPAC Chair so it can be put on the agenda. Our District Principal and a representative from the Board of Education attend most of our meetings.

If you wish to have dinner you must RSVP 24 hours before each meeting. Contact Paul Chisholm to let him know if you can make it.

Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

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