
Did You Know?

That approximately 35 percent of the students in our district ride the school bus every day. Over the years our buses have maintained an outstanding safety record. Every year our School Bus Operators drive over 750,000 kilometres, without injury. Each day they drive over 5700 kilometres carrying students to and from schools.

We are asking for the cooperation of you and your children in continuing to operate our buses in a safe and efficient manner.

For the safety of your child and others, please ask him or her to observe the following school bus rules.

All About School Buses Brochure

Rules for Riding the School Bus

  1. The driver has immediate authority on the school bus at all times.
  2. The driver may designate the seat which the student shall occupy.
  3. Student behaviour and conduct will not create a distraction for the driver, or discomfort for other students.
  4. For the safety of students there is NO eating or drinking on the bus.
  5. Students are responsible for maintaining their area of the bus in a neat and presentable manner.
  6. To ensure safety, students will not extend arms or heads out of the windows.
  7. When loading or unloading the bus, students will observe the directions of the driver.

Simple Rules for Safety

  1. Students will wait at the bus stop assigned.
  2. Students will be waiting at the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pick up time. Kindergarten to grade 4 students require a parent or older sibling to accompany them to and from the bus stop.
  3. Students must wait well back from the travelled portion of the roadway.
  4. Students will wait for the driver's signal after the bus comes to a complete stop before approaching the school bus.
  5. Students will enter and leave the school bus in an orderly fashion, no pushing.
  6. Students will wear clothing suitable for the weather conditions.
  7. Students will WALK, not run around school buses and when using the school bus aisle.
  8. Students will get seated and stay seated, facing the front of the bus while the bus is in motion.
  9. The school bus aisle must remain clear.
  10. Students will remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop and the doors open.
  11. Students will obey all loading and unloading instructions from the driver. This includes staying out of the "danger zone" and observing the driver's signal to cross the roadway.
  12. No animals allowed on school buses.
  13. Students will go directly to their bus after school. Students will not play in the school bus zones around parked buses.
  14. Certain items are not allowed on school buses, please check with the driver for clarification.

Transportation Policies

School bus transportation is a privilege, not a right.

The School Act authorizes school boards to provide transportation systems but it does not require them to do so. The Board of Education has, for many years chosen to operate a school bus system for the convenience of the students and the parents of the district.

Eligible Students:

Eligible students are ones who live outside the city limits and are in excess of .8 kilometres, (800 meters) from the school in their assigned catchment area.

Eligible students are registered in and attend School District # 59 schools.

School District #59 Board of Education have set district walk limits at 800 metres (1/2 mile) year around.

Bus schedules and routing are established annually and are subject to change if circumstance require. All times are also subject to change.

School buses in School District #59 stop at all uncontrolled railway crossings.

All transportation policies can be found on School District #59 website under District info - policy 6070 School Bus Transportation

We are sure you can imagine the responsibility one adult has in operating a big bus on a highway. Observing all the driving regulations and at the same time, supervising up to 50 active young people all sitting behind.  The responsibility is tremendous.

Notice to the Motorist

Every province in Canada has a law requiring motorists, travelling in both directions, to stop when approaching a school bus displaying ashing red lights. Even so, many motorists either don’t know this law or they do not care about it, or, they are so completely unaware of what is happening around them that they simply do not see the bus with red lights ashing.

Students know this law exists and it gives them a false sense of security when crossing the road going to or from a school bus. Students expect motorists to stop.

A defensive driver keeps up with changing laws and obeys them. The Canada Safety Council appeals to drivers to drive defensively.

Please Remember...

Overhead flashing amber lights mean slow down, use caution, the bus is about to make a scheduled stop for students.
It is against the law to pass from either direction a stopped school bus with flashing red lights.

When Road Conditions Are Poor

Buses may be running late or not at all. Announcements can be heard on CJDC Radio 890, or on the School Bus Transportation Information line at 250-782-1061. We also have a text messaging system that can be subscribed to on the SD59 website.

If You Miss the Bus

Students who miss the bus in the morning will follow whatever parent instructions have been given.

Students who miss the bus in the afternoon, are to report to their school’s office so the parent can be contacted and suitable arrangements can be made.

Notice to Parents

If your child brings home a report from the school bus operator concerning conduct on the school bus, please discuss the situation with him or her. Any questions you may have concerning the report may be referred to your child's Principal or the Transportation Manager.

SD # 59 requires an adult to be present at the students regularly scheduled bus stop in the afternoons to ensure student safety when we are dropping off Grade 5 and younger students.
If your student is in Grade 5 and you want them dropped off with no adult present at the school bus stop, we require a written letter of consent or via email to do this.
No students in Grade 4 or younger will be allowed to leave a school bus at their regularly scheduled bus stop unless they are with an older sibling (Grade 5 or older) or the school bus driver can visually see an adult at the school bus stop.

If no adult is at the regularly scheduled bus stop, the student will remain on the school bus until alternate pick up arrangements can be made with the school bus garage.

This procedure helps protect the safety and security of the students we transport.

School Bus Video Taping

There are video cameras on our school buses for the purpose of promoting bus safety and discipline. All of our buses are equipped with GPS units.

Further Information

For more information concerning school buses and routes, please contact the Transportation Manager at (250) 782-2106

Have you ever considered driving a school bus?

  • Good wage and benefits package
  • School holidays
  • Part-time work
  • Excellent training and support
  • We provide assistance to qualified applicants to help them obtain a BC Class 2 Driver's License

If you are interested in this type of work or have any questions regarding employment as a School Bus Operator, please contact our Director of Human Resources at (250) 782-8571

Additional Resources
Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

More Details

© School District 59.   All rights reserved.


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