Kindergarten Registration


Will your child be 5 by December 31?

Register at the school in your catchment area

Parents unsure about their catchment area can refer to the interactive catchment area map or call the school board office at 250-782-8571 for clarification

Register early.
Bring your child's Birth Certificate

Some schools may schedule registration on specific days or times. Please call ahead

Your child will be invited to a

Welcome to Kindergarten family orientation

School District 59 is a progressive district dedicated to educating the whole child focusing on physical, social/emotional and intellectual growth and development. SD59 offers high quality kindergarten programs providing a strong foundation upon which children can build the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for lifelong learning.

SD59 Options

  • Dual Track English-French Immersion in Ecole Frank Ross Elementary
  • Montessori in Don Titus Elementary

SD59 is committed to being ready for every student at whatever level they arrive at the kindergarten door.

Ways to support most children so they can fly high when they get to Kindergarten.

Butterfly 2

Attend SD59 Early Learning Programs:
Children attending quality early learning programs develop stronger essential skills (e.g. numeracy/literacy). Also develop better self-regulation and personal interaction skills.

More information about Kindergarten readiness on the StrongStart Website

Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

More Details

© School District 59.   All rights reserved.


No data is available at this time. This may mean that school buses are not running today, or current information is not yet available.



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