District Policies

Title Status Policy Regulation(s)
Bylaw 1-99 Organization and Operation of the Board Adopted Bylaw 1-99 Organization and Operation of the Board-Dec2019.pdf
Bylaw 2022-01 Trustee Elections Adopted Bylaw 2022-01 Trustee Elections-FINAL.pdf
Bylaw 2022-02 Mail Ballot Voting Adopted Bylaw 2022-02 Mail Ballot Voting-FINAL.pdf
Bylaw 3-08 Student Appeals Adopted Bylaw 3-08 Student Appeal Procedure -Mar2020.pdf
Board of Education
Title Status Policy Regulation(s)
2000 Establishment of District Adopted 2000 Establishment of District_3.pdf
2020 Trustee Electoral Areas-rev2018 Adopted 2020 Trustee Electoral Areas-rev2018.pdf
2050 Inaugural Meeting-Jan2018 Adopted 2050 Inaugural Meeting-Jan2018.pdf
2051 Organizational Meeting-Jan2018 Adopted 2051 Organizational Meeting-Jan2018.pdf
2060 Legal Requirement Adopted 2060 Legal Requirement.pdf
2100 Mission and Guiding Principles Adopted 2100 Mission and Guiding Principles-Dec2019.pdf
2150 Trustee Code of Conduct Adopted 2150P Trustee Code of Conduct-APR2024.pdf 2150R Trustee Code of Conduct-Apr2024.pdf
2205 Trustee Remuneration, Benefits and Recognition Adopted 2205P Trustee Remuneration, Benefits and Recognition-March2020.pdf 2205R Trustee Remuneration, Benefits and Recognition-May2024.pdf
2240 Board Review of Regulations Adopted 2240P-Board Review of Regulations-April2022.pdf 2240R-Board Review of Regulations.pdf
2250 Policy Development Adopted 2250P-Policy Development-April2022_0.pdf 2250R-Policy Development-Apr2024.pdf
2260 Communication with the Public Adopted 2260 Communication with the Public-March2020.pdf
2290 District Parents' Advisory Council Adopted 2290 District Parents' Advisory Council.pdf
2300 School Parent Advisory Councils Adopted 2300 School Parent Advisory Councils.pdf
2320 School Closure Adopted 2320 School Closure-SEPT2020.pdf
2340 Evaluation of Excluded Staff Adopted 2340 Evaluation of Excluded Staff.pdf
2350 Organizational Chart Adopted 2350 Organizational Chart-SEPT2020.pdf
2360 Evaluation of Superintendent Adopted 2360 Evaluation of Superintendent.pdf
Title Status Policy Regulation(s)
3000 Hiring of Personnel Adopted 3000 Hiring of Personnel-SEPT2020.pdf
3020 Employment of Summer Students Adopted 3020 Employment of Summer Students.pdf
3055 Qualifications for Specialty Positions Adopted 3055 Qualifications for Specialty Positions.pdf
3070 Criminal Record Review-March2015 Adopted 3070 Criminal RecordReview-March2015.pdf
3080 Retirement Adopted 3080 Retirement.pdf
3090 Long Service Recognition Adopted 3090P-Long Service Recognition.pdf 3090R-Long Service Recognition-Apr2023.pdf
3100 Non-Discrimination Adopted 3100 Non-Discrimination_0.pdf
3115 Electronic Communication Employees Adopted 3115 Electronic Communication Employees.pdf
3120 Mentorship Adopted 3120 Mentorship.pdf
3130 Professional Development Adopted 3130 Professional Development.pdf
3150 Teacher Absences Adopted 3150 Teacher Absences.pdf
3160 Drugs and Alcohol-Dec2018 Adopted 3160 Drugs and Alcohol-Dec2018_0.pdf
3165 Public Interest Disclosure Adopted 3165 Public Interest Disclosure-Nov2021.pdf
3170 Respectful Workplace Adopted 3170 Respectful Workplace-Sept2021.pdf
3180 Smoking and Smoke Free Spaces -Dec2018 Adopted 3180 Smoking and Smoke Free Spaces -Dec2018.pdf
3190 Violence in the Workplace-Feb2022 Adopted 3190P-Violence in the Workplace.pdf 3190R-Violence in the Workplace.pdf
3200 Attendance Health Wellness Support Program Adopted 3200 AttendanceHealthWellnessSupportProgram.pdf
3210 Polictical Activities Adopted 3210 Polictical Activities.pdf
Educational Operations
Title Status Policy Regulation(s)
4000 Admissions-Entrance Guidelines Adopted 4000 Admissions-Entrance Guidelines_0.pdf
4010 Schools and Programs of Choice Adopted 4010 Schools and Programs of Choice.pdf
4020 Registered Home School Students Adopted 4020 Registered Home School Students.pdf
4030 International Students Adopted 4030 International Students_0.pdf
4050 Grade Placement of Students-revised-March2016 Adopted 4050 Grade Placement of Students-SEPT2020.pdf
4070 Enrollment in Kindergarten Programs Adopted 4070 Enrollment in Kindergarten Programs.pdf
4075 Diversity and Inclusion-Oct2018 Adopted 4075 Diversity and Inclusion-Oct2018.pdf
4085 School Based Teams Adopted 4085 School Based Teams.pdf
4100 Outside Learning-Granting Credit Adopted 4100 Outside Learning-Granting Credit.pdf
4110 Challenge and Equivalency Adopted 4110 Challenge and Equivalency.pdf
4115 School Library Programs Adopted 4115P Function of School Libraries-Mar2023_0.pdf 4115R School Library Programs-Apr2023_0.pdf
4130 Learning Resources Adopted 4130 Learning Resources.pdf
4140 Challenging of Learning Resources Adopted 4140 Challenging of Learning Resources.pdf
4150 Instruction - Board Authority Authorized Courses Adopted 4150 Instruction-Board Authority Authorized Courses.pdf
4170 Student Fees for School Supplies Adopted 4170 Student Fees for School Supplies.pdf
4180 Grading Practices Adopted 4180 Grading Practices.pdf
4190 French Immersion Adopted 4190 French Immersion.pdf
4200 Career Development Education Adopted 4200 Career Development Education-May2020.pdf
4205 School Counselling Program Adopted 4205 School Counselling Program.pdf
4209 Energy Management and Sustainability Adopted 4209P Energy Management and Sustainability.pdf 4209R Energy Management and Sustainability-Oct2023.pdf
4210 Outdoor-Environment Studies Program Adopted 4210 Outdoor Education Program-Jan2020.pdf
4220 Field Trips Adopted 4220 Field Trips.pdf
4221 Private Field Trips Adopted 4221 Private Field Trips.pdf
4225 Volunteers in Schools Adopted 4225P-Volunteers in Schools-May2022.pdf 4225R-Volunteers in School-May2022.pdf
4250 Nutrition in Schools Adopted 4250 Nutrition in Schools.pdf
4260 Scholarships Adopted 4260 Scholarships.pdf
4270 District Scholarship Awards Adopted 4270P District Authority Scholarship Awards-Jan2025.pdf 4270R District Authority Scholarship Awards-Jan2025.pdf
4280 School Completion Certificates Adopted 4280 School Completion Certificates.pdf
4300 High School Leaving Ceremonies-March2015 Adopted 4300 High School Leaving Ceremonies-March2015.pdf
4310 Accidents and Insurance Adopted 4310 Accidents and Insurance.pdf
4320 Custody of Students Adopted 4320 Custody of Students.pdf
4330 Early Dismissal of Students Adopted 4330P Early Dismissal of Students-Jan2025.pdf 4330R Early Dismissal of Students-Jan2025.pdf
4340 Child Protection Policy Adopted 4340 Child Protection Policy.pdf
4350 Personal Safety Information on Sexual Abuse Adopted 4350 Personal Safety Information on Sexual Abuse.pdf
4360 Student Discipline Adopted 4360 Student Discipline.pdf
4370 District Code of Conduct Adopted 4370P District Code of Conduct rev-April2019.pdf 4370R District Code of Conduct-June2024-rev.pdf
4375 Physical Restraint and Seclusion in School Settings Adopted 4375 Physical Restraint and Seclusion in School Settings.pdf
4380 Suspension-Expulsion-Prohibition Adopted 4380 Suspension-Expulsion-Prohibition.pdf
4390 Bullying and Harassment in Schools Adopted 4390 Bullying and Harassment in Schools_0.pdf
4400 Vandalism Adopted 4400 Vandalism.pdf
4455 Maintenance of Order Adopted 4455 Maintenance of Order_0.pdf
4500 Communicable Disease Adopted 4500 Communicable Disease-SEPT2020.pdf
4505 Menstrual Products Adopted 4505 Menstrual Products-Dec2019.pdf
4530 Animals in District Facilities Adopted 4530 Animals in District Facilities-revisedSept2019.pdf
4540 Administration of Medication Adopted 4540 Administration of Medication.pdf
4545 Anaphylaxis - revision June 2016 Adopted 4545 Anaphylaxis - revision June 2016.pdf
4550 Immunization Adopted 4550 Immunization-Dec2019.pdf
4555 Safety of Students (Higher Risk activities with students) Adopted 4555 Safety of Students (Higher Risk activities with students)-June2020.pdf
4560 Visits to the Schools Adopted 4560 Visits to the Schools-SEPT2020.pdf
4570 Emergency Preparedness Adopted 4570P Emergency Preparedness.pdf 4570R Emergency Prepardness-Oct2023.pdf
4580 Electronic Information Access Adopted 4580 ElectronicSocial Media Communication and Information Access Students-May2020.pdf
4585 Media in Schools Under Review 4585 Media in Schools.pdf
4587 Freedom of Expression Adopted 4587 Freedom of Expression.pdf
4588 Communication and Distribution of Information from Outside the School Adopted 4588 Communication and Distribution of Information from Outside the School.pdf
4589 Distribution or Communication of Religious Information Adopted 4589 Distribution or Communication of Religious Information.pdf
4590 Public Information Adopted 4590 Public Information.pdf
4600 Designation of Information and Privacy Head Adopted 4600 Designation of Information and Privacy Head.pdf
4610 Students' Personal Records Adopted 4610 Students' Personal Records-June2021.pdf
4615 Employee Records Adopted 4615 Employee Records.pdf
4650 Fee Schedule Adopted 4650 Fee Schedule.pdf
4660 Retention and Destruction of Records Adopted 4660 Retention and Destruction of Records.pdf
Title Status Policy Regulation(s)
5005 Budget Monitoring and Reporting-2018 Adopted 5005P Financial Planning and Reporting-May2022.pdf 5005R-Financial Planning and Reporting-May2022.pdf
5010 Accumulated Operating Surplus-2018 Adopted 5010P-Accumulated Operating Surplus-May2022.pdf 5010R-Accumated Operating Surplus-May2022.pdf
5020 Auditors and Bankers Adopted 5020 Auditors and Bankers.pdf
5030 Financial Reports to the Board Adopted 5030 Financial Reports to the Board.pdf
5040 Chief Election Officer-rev2018 Adopted 5040 Chief Election Officer-rev2018.pdf
5060 School Operating Budgets Adopted 5060 School Operating Budgets.pdf
5080 Purchasing Authority Adopted 5080 Purchasing Authority.pdf
5090 Purchasing Conflict of Interest Adopted 5090 Purchasing Conflict of Interest.pdf
5100 Asset Inventory Adopted 5100 Asset Inventory.pdf
5110 Disposal of Assets Adopted 5110 Disposal of Assets.pdf
5120 Sale of Supplies to Non-Profit Adopted 5120 Sale of Supplies to Non-Profit.pdf
5130 Restrictions Governing Use of Supplies Adopted 5130 Restrictions Governing Use of Supplies.pdf
5140 Moving Assistance-policy Adopted 5140P Moving Assistance-Sept2023.pdf
5150 Moving Costs Adopted 5150 Moving Costs.pdf
5170 Reimbursement of Expenses Adopted 5170P Reimbursement of Expenses-Staff.pdf 5170R Reimbursement of Expenses-Staff-Feb2025.pdf
5180 Benefits on Leave of Absence Adopted 5180 Benefits on Leave of Absence.pdf
5190 Use of School Facilities Adopted 5190P Use of School Facilities-June2024.pdf 5190R Use of School Facilities-June2024.pdf
5195 Child Care in School District Facilities Adopted 5195 Child Care in School District Facilities-April2021.pdf
5200 Unchagah Hall Adopted 5200 Unchagah Hall_1.pdf
5210 Business and Charity Solicitation Adopted 5210 Business and Charity Solicitation.pdf
5230 Parent-Community Donations Adopted 5230 Parent-Community Donations.pdf
5240 Staff Gifts Adopted 5240 Staff Gifts.pdf
Title Status Policy Regulation(s)
6000 Health and Safety Adopted 6000P-Health and Safety_0.pdf 6000R-Health and Safety-May2022.pdf
6020 Facilities Department Adopted 6020 Facilities Department.pdf
6040 Tool Insurance Adopted 6040 Tool Insurance.pdf
6050 Vehicles-Alcohol Adopted 6050 Vehicles-Alcohol.pdf
6060 Mural Painting on School Walls Adopted 6060 Mural Painting on School Walls.pdf
6070 School Bus Transportation-revOct2018 Adopted 6070 School Bus Transportation-SEPT2020.pdf
Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

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