Resolution of Student or Parent Concerns


Open communication and maintaining positive relationships between families, schools, and the School District is always our goal, and is key to ensuring student success. 

When concerns arise, it is important to keep the lines of communication open.  When issues occur at school, school staff will contact parents to inform and discuss the issues with them. 

When a parent has a concern, it is important the matter is discussed as early and directly as possible so it can be resolved in a timely fashion. Most issues can be resolved through timely, open communication.


Students or parents who disagree with or wish to question decisions or actions that are taken by teachers and/or administrators are expected to seek a resolution by pursuing the following steps:

  1. Teacher or Classroom Level Problem
    1. Discuss the matter directly with the teacher.
    2. If not resolved, discuss your concern with the Principal.
    3. If still unsatisfied with the outcome contact the School District Board Office at 250-782-8571.
    4. Unresolved matters may be referred to the Board as per Bylaw 3-08 Student Appeal Procedure.
  2. Principal or School Level Problem
    1. Discuss directly with the Principal the action, policy, procedure or practice being questioned.
    2. If not resolved, contact the School District Board Office at 250-782-8571.. 
    3. If not resolved, refer to the Board as per Bylaw 3-08 Student Appeal Procedure.

It is expected that school district personnel will seek a resolution to the problem as quickly as possible.

Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

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