Privacy Information Database

Early Learning

LocationBoard Office – Laserfiche
Individuals in BankStrongStart Students
Information Maintained

Birth Certificates


Strong Start Certificates from Student Registration


StrongStart Secretary

LocationDistrict Office and individual StrongStart Programs including: Don Titus Elementary; Tumbler Ridge Secondary; Parkland Elementary; Devereaux Elementary; McLeod Elementary; Tremblay Elementary; and the Kiwanis Early Learning Hub.
Individuals in BankStrongStart Students and parents/guardians
Information Maintained

Student first and last name, gender, birth date, place of birth, attendance, allergies and immunization. Parent/Guardian first and last name, and contact information.


To enter students in the MyEducationBC Student Information System and track positive attendance.

To plan programming that is respectful of allergies. To connect with parents.


StrongStart Educators, Early Learning Project Manager, and SD 59 Office Receptionist (MyEd entry)

AuthorityFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 26(c). School Act, sections 79 (3) and 81


LocationTremblay Elementary and Windrem Elementary
Individuals in BankProgram participants (SD59 students) and their parents/guardians, program instructors, person of rapport.
Information Maintained

First and last names of children participating in the programs and their parents/guardians first and last names, address, email address, telephone numbers, birthdate (parent/guardians and child), last name of teacher and division, pertinent medical information, activity/photo permission information. First and last name, phone number, address, email address, and criminal record check of program instructors. Contact information of employer/organization, employer/organization contact first and last name and insurance information.


Student participation and emergency contact, insurance certificates, service provider contracts, tracking reference, payment.


School Program Coordinator, District Community Partnerships Coordinator, Payroll.

AuthorityFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 26(c). School Act sections 79(3) and 168
LocationDistrict Education Office
Individuals in BankStaff, students and parent/guardian
Information Maintained

May contain, but not limited to: staff, student or parent/guardian first and last name, phone numbers, email address and conversation notes regarding staff, student or parent/guardian.


Tracking information of conversations that may need to be referred to on a later date and/or planning purposes.


Director of instruction

AuthorityFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 26(c). School Act, sections 6, 20(1), 75, 79(3), 81, 85(2), 88 and 175
LocationDistrict Education Office
Individuals in BankStudents, parents/guardians and school staff
Information Maintained

Student first and last name, parent/guardian first and last name, School staff first and last name, phone numbers, email address, conversation info, investigation notes etc.


Tracking frequency of incidences, record of decisions, tracking progress of individual students.


Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, director of Instruction and District Administrative Assistants, and in rare cases parent/guardian appeals to the Board of Education.

AuthorityFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 26(c). School Act, sections 6, 20(1), 75, 79(3), 81, 85(2), 88 and 175
LocationDistrict Education Office
Individuals in BankStudents, parents/guardians, teachers, district itinerant staff, healthcare professionals
Information Maintained

Student first, middle and last names, address, phone number, date of birth, gender, parent/guardian first and last name, contact numbers, email and emergency contact information, Individual Education Plan (IEPs), current safety plan, relevant medical information, relevant custody information, educational assessments, communication letters between school, itinerant staff and parents/guardians, including any district or community support services correspondence (including names of medical health professionals) and incident reports as well as, VTRA protocol documentation. Staff first and last name.


To track student information, progress, and formulate individualized student programs.


Principal, vice principal, Director of Instruction

AuthorityFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 26(c). School Act sections 75, 79(3), 81, 85(2), 88, 168(2)(a) and (t)
LocationSecondary School office
Individuals in BankStudents, parent/guardian
Information Maintained

Student first and last names, address, phone number, emergency contact information (including parent/guardian first and last name and phone numbers), DOB, SIN number, student ID number and PEN. Employer/sponsoring org (and address and contact info.), supervisor (name).


Record of work experience and contract (Ministerial requirement).


Principal, vice principal, work experience teacher, counselor, clerical staff

AuthorityFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 26(c). School Act, sections 79(3) and 168(2)(a)
LocationSecondary School Office
Individuals in BankStudents, parent/guardian
Information Maintained

Student first and last names, address, phone number, emergency contact information (including parent/guardian first and last name and phone numbers), DOB, SIN number, student ID number and PEN. Employer/sponsoring org (and address and contact info.), supervisor/teacher (first and last name), Post-Secondary application and name school attended and course work (including letter grades).


Record of partnership program, work experience and audit requirement (Ministerial requirement).


Principal, vice principal, teacher, career coordinator, counselor, clerical staff

AuthorityFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 26(c). School Act, sections 79(3), 81 and 82.2

Finance Department

LocationDistrict Office
Individuals in BankPersons injured at schools
Information Maintained

First and last name, status, descriptions and nature of injury and treatment, date of incident


To provide detailed record of accident at school for the School District and schools protection program.


School District Insurance Program, Risk Management Branch

AuthorityFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 26(c). School Act Section 79(3)
LocationDistrict Office
Individuals in BankTrustees
Information Maintained

Name of trustee making disclosure, address, level of government, assets, liabilities, income, real property.


The intent of the Financial Disclosure Act is to identify what areas of influence and possible financial benefit an elected official nominee or designated employee might have by virtue of their office, and to ensure the public has reasonable access to the information.


Secretary Treasurer, Administrative Secretary

AuthorityFinancial Disclosure Act
LocationDistrict Office
Individuals in BankEmployees, trustees, vendors/suppliers
Information Maintained

Employee name (and employee number, if applicable), company or business name, contact numbers, email contacts and banking information (if provided), address, SIN, criminal record clearance.


To provide a means of paying employees or vendors for expenses owing; including a record of vendors that have applied to receive payment via electronic funds transfer (EFT).


Secretary Treasurer, Assistant Secretary Treasurer, Accounts Payable, Secretary of Operations

AuthorityFIPPA s.27(c)

Human Resources Department

LocationDistrict Office - Laserfiche
Individuals in BankFormer employees
Information Maintained

Employment related records including employment history, payroll records, criminal record clearance, leave of absence records, benefits and pension records, medical records, WCB records, investigation records, grievance records, etc.


To provide historical and archival records of former School District No. 59 employees.


Assistant Secretary Treasurer, Director of Human Resources, HR Officer, Payroll Clerks and Receptionist.  Note:  Payroll Clerks and Receptionist do not have access to confidential records.

AuthoritySchool Act s.15(1), Employment Standards Act, Employment Insurance Act, Income Tax Act
LocationDistrict Office
Individuals in BankFormer employees
Information Maintained

Employment related records including employment history, payroll records, criminal record clearance, leave of absence records, benefits and pension records, medical records, timesheets, etc.


To provide historical and archival records of former School District No. 59 employees.


Superintendent, Secretary Treasurer, Assistant Secretary Treasurer, Director of Human Resources, HR Officer, Payroll Clerks

AuthoritySchool Act s.15(1), Employment Standards Act, Employment Insurance Act, Income Tax Act
LocationDistrict Office
Individuals in BankCurrent and former employees, unsolicited job applications.
Information Maintained

BCGEU and PRSTA seniority lists, teacher experience reports, support and teacher job postings, unsolicited applications (all positions).


To track seniority in accordance with the Collective Agreement.  To track applicants and award positions.


HR Officer

AuthorityFIPPA s.26(c)
LocationDistrict Office
Individuals in BankCurrent employees and trustees
Information Maintained

Employment related records including resume, appointment letters or contracts, training and education certificates, criminal record clearance, employment history, payroll records, timesheets, leave of absence records, benefits and pension records, medical records, WCB records, disability claims, investigation records, grievance records, etc.


To maintain information as related to employment.


Superintendent, Secretary Treasurer, Assistant Secretary Treasurer, Director of Human Resources, HR Officer, Payroll Clerks (payroll clerks do not have access to confidential records).

AuthoritySchool Act s.15(1), FIPPA s.26(c), ESA s.28(1)
LocationDistrict Office
Individuals in BankEmployees & Trustees (current and former)
Information Maintained

Name, employee number, address, contact numbers, SIN, DOB, employment history (date of hire, leaves, termination, etc.), position/assignment, leaves pay rate, vacation and sick accrual, incrementing, evaluations, criminal record clearance, certificates, professional development, seniority, teaching qualifications, benefits, membership fees, absences, extra time, TOC on call lists, staff directory, phone lists, extension lists, etc.


Electronic system for managing employment related matters including production of payroll, deductions, accruals, budgeting, external reporting, T4’s, etc.


Secretary Treasurer, Director of Human Resources, HR Officer, Assistant Secretary Treasurer, Payroll Clerks and Receptionist.  Note:  Payroll Clerks and Receptionist do not have access to confidential records.

AuthoritySchool Act s.15(1), FIPPA s.26(c)

Payroll Department

LocationDistrict Office
Individuals in BankCurrent Employees
Information Maintained

Seniority lists and call out lists.


To provide a list of seniority hours for employees to ensure the most senior employee is awarded a position and a call out list for custodians to ensure the proper employee is called for work.


Assistant Secretary Treasurer, Payroll Clerks, Secretary of Operations and Secretary of Transportation

AuthoritySchool Act s.15(1), FIPPA s.26(c)

Technology Department

LocationDistrict Office, and each school Active Directory servers (replicated)
Individuals in BankAll Active Staff and Students
Information Maintained

Staff: username, name, employee number, school, groups (location, position and class related), hashed password

Student: username, name, student number, grade, school, groups (location and class related), hashed password


User Accounts for labs and authentication to Online services


Tech Department

LocationBoard Office – (Individual School servers and District Resource Center)
Individuals in BankStaff and Students
Information Maintained

Staff: username, name, location

Students: username, name, grade, phone number


Library Circulation/Inventory



LocationDistrict Office - eServices
Individuals in BankStaff and Students that receive funding for special needs
Information Maintained

Staff: Name, location, fte, position, principal’s salary

Student: Name, school, funding category


School Based Budget Planning


Principals and Admin Staff

LocationInstructure Data Center in the United States
Individuals in BankSPDL Staff and SPDL Students
Information Maintained

Staff: username, name, email address, DL classes

Students: username, name, student number, email address, DL classes, grades


Online Courses delivery and gradebook


SPDL Staff and Students

LocationDistrict Office - SQL
Individuals in BankAll Staff, Students and Parents
Information Maintained

Staff: username, name, employee number, assignments (current & historical – location, date range, fte, position), absences, classes taught, seniority, class profiles and instructional plans, job postings applied for

Student: username, name, student number, grade level, address, school, classes, marks (current and historical), IEPs (Adapted, Modified, Behavior, In Care, ELL, PsychEd, Speech-Language Assessment, Cognitive Profile), Student Path, Leraning Plan, Staff Notes on student, Assessments (Achieve, Fountas & Pinnell, Kindergarten Screening, Literacy, FSA

Parents: Name, personal and work phone numbers and email addresses, address, relationship to student, custody info


Various Services within our internal portal the largest being the District Student Planning Database which contains a subset of data from MyEd, Individual Education Plans, Notes, Student Path, Reading Recovery, Assessment Results and Classroom Profiles.


District Administration & District Teachers – District View

Principals, Non-Enrolling Teachers, Ab Ed Support Staff, Para Ed - School view

Teachers – Class View

LocationFreshGrade data centers located in Montreal
Individuals in BankAll Students, Teachers and Parents
Information Maintained

Teachers: Username, name, classes, employee number

Students: username, name, classes,

Parents: name, parents, link to related students


Gradebook, Student Portfolio and engagement between teachers, students and parents


Teachers, students and Parents

LocationGoogle Servers – International
Individuals in BankStaff and Students with Parental Consent
Information Maintained

Staff: username, name, location

Students: username, name, school

All user data that is created by the user is stored outside of Canada.


Student Email and collaboration


Staff and Students

LocationBoard Office Filemaker Pro Server
Individuals in BankStaff and Students
Information Maintained

Staff: username, name, location, position

Students: student number, name, grade, school, historial IEP documents


Historical Student IEPs.  Staff info is to access access level



LocationMyBluePrint Data Center in Toronto
Individuals in BankStaff and Students with parental consent
Information Maintained

Teachers: username, name, school

Students: username, name, student number, grade, school


Note: Although data is stored in Canada, data does travel through Cloudflare and is unencrypted on that server (encrypted for transport on both ends) but there is no guarantee that it is using one of their servers in Canada.


Career Planning and Portfolio


Teacher and Students

LocationMicrosoft Data Centers
Individuals in BankAll Current Staff and Students with Parental Consent
Information Maintained

Username, Name, groups (location and position and class related) this is stored in Internationally.

User created into is mostly stored in Canada (such as emails and documents)


Email and access to Office 365


Tech Department

LocationWest’s Canadian data center in Quebec
Individuals in BankStaff, Students and Parents of high schools (CSS, DCSS, TRSS)
Information Maintained

Staff: username, name, school, classes, email address

Students: name, student number, school classes, email address, phone numbers

Parents: name, link to students, email address, phone numbers


Note: information is uploaded without parental consent however, system is not usable by a student until parent consent is received


Notification Service (school and class newsletters and absences)


Staff at those schools (mostly secretaries and principals)

LocationBoard Office - SQL
Individuals in BankAny staff, student, and member of the Public that signed up for notifications
Information Maintained

Email address and/or cell phone number


The send emails and text messages notifying users that requested notifications from SD59.


Administrative Coordinator of Career Programs and Secretary Treasurer, Executive Assistant, Tech Department

Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

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© School District 59.   All rights reserved.


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